First Public Workshop in London
Frequency Theatre has been regularly running workshops for some years, and now we’re doing our first one in London at Theatre Deli Studios, Broadgate.
Enjoy a brief yet immersive introduction to Audio Theatre and how it can be applied!
Sun 8 October 2017
14:00 – 17:00 BST
Learn some of the basics of how audio theatre is made including:
– Basic microphone technique
– Storyboarding with sound
– Basic SXF exploration
PLUS, experience how these skills can be transferred to other areas of life – both in creative and non-creative situations:
– Communicating & making an impression on others through how we use our voices
– Why words matter: how the words we choose and the sound each word makes, affects our desired outcome
– Sensitivity to how we listen & interpret sound
This introductory workshop will be lead by Bethany Sharp, the Creative Producer of the digital audio theatre company, Frequency Theatre.
Frequency Theatre has produced over eighty-five digital audio plays, and is committed to delivering quality audio theatre to a wide range of audiences for free (a third of fees for all Frequency Theatre workshops go back into the company in order to carry on making audio plays). All the plays Frequency Theatre produces are pieces of new writing, and all can be heard on Frequency Theatre’s website or on iTunes.
With increasing listening figures for both radio and digital podcast shows, audio is an extremely important medium for our times. Come and find out about how we can creatively play with sound, as well as use it in life.
Tickets (including concessions) can be booked here: